PPR Strategies


Create a ripple effect by supporting a nonprofit [8 Weeks of Thanks]

Welcome back to our “8 Weeks of Thanks” celebration! Every week until the end of the year, we’re highlighting a different way to give thanks to our communities, businesses, or loved ones. It’s a way to end the year on a high note and create a ripple effect of positivity throughout our communities.

This week, we’re highlighting the importance of supporting local nonprofits.

The effects of COVID have been felt in major ways by nonprofit organizations. As reported by nonprofitquarterly.org, many nonprofits have not been able to continue their regular programming and fundraising efforts due to COVID restrictions. Others have been unable to deliver their regular services.

As a result, many nonprofits across the country have experienced significant decreases in revenue, losses in volunteers, and have been forced to furlough employees in 2020. Many nonprofits are struggling to keep their doors open amidst the continued effects of the pandemic.

When thinking about holiday gifts, donating to a nonprofit in someone’s name or honor can be a wonderful way to make a meaningful contribution. Through giving your support to a nonprofit, you can help them keep their doors open so they can continue supporting our communities.

Amanda Rodriguez, our Digital Marketing Specialist, chose to support a nonprofit that has made a huge difference for her family: Frederick Hospice.

Amanda shares:

Frederick Hospice has been an important part of my and my family’s life since I lost my mom a little over a year ago. Even though we experienced a sudden loss and didn’t have their care and support prior to losing her, they provided a lot of grief support to us following. The counselors were great with my son and really made a huge difference for us. I decided to purchase their angel ornaments this year to support their mission and have a beautiful keepsake for our family that would help us feel Mimi every year at Christmas.


Through giving to a nonprofit this holiday season, you can create a ripple effect to those in need of the support provided by the nonprofit organization.

If you’re looking for ideas of local nonprofits to support, here are a few types to consider:

  • Art groups, museums, and theaters – many have not been able to operate at all during the pandemic
  • Organizations serving Black, Indigenous and People of Color, who have been disproportionately hit by COVID
  • Any local nonprofit that is meaningful to someone you’d like to give a special gift to – perhaps supporting the homeless, local animals, the environment, health, or education.

We’d love to hear about the local nonprofits that you appreciate in your community. Please share in the comments down below!

‘Til next time,

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