PPR Strategies


Mental health support tips for your team

We’re all aware of the physical health risks of COVID, as well as the economic impact.

What isn’t talked about so much is the challenges to mental health at this time, such as:

  • Isolation with little to no social contact
  • Fear and overwhelm about our current world situation
  • Oversaturation of media and social media
  • Unknown about the future
  • Grief and stress about the changes needed in our country

I recently heard someone say: “Your staff is not working from home. Your staff is working from home during a crisis.”

It’s a necessity that we remember the challenges that our teams may be facing.

Last month, we organized the WFM Mental Health Care Webinar for Charles County, which addressed the mental health challenges we need to be watchful of for ourselves and our remote employees.

Two speakers, Yvonne N. Harris and Julie Gaver, provided numerous suggestions to help remote workers improve everyday habits for better mental health.

One of these tips includes taking a look at the classic Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs – and replacing Maslow’s suggestions with your own personal needs.

Here are a few more tips and routines they suggested to support mental health:

  • Be kind to yourself and others and celebrate the little wins in order to combat negative thinking.
  • Pick up on signs that you need a break and make sure to replenish the “fuel in the tank.”
  • Recognize the importance of self-care and listen to your body.
  • Every day doesn’t have to be a marathon – focus on the tasks and things you completed.
  • Develop a routine or “sacred time” such as in the morning, where you establish to-do lists and make time for daily routines.
  • Limit negative input by cutting back on social media, as too much can be unhealthy.

Finally – remember that we are all in this together.

In what ways are you supporting your mental health while working from home? Share in the comments down below!

‘Til next time,

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