The state of Maryland is extra special to the PPR Strategies team. For starters, it’s where we are headquartered, and it’s also where we’ve honed our expertise in economic development and placemaking. So, Maryland Day is an opportunity to reflect on the best parts of our home state (thanks in advance for indulging us)!
Maryland offers a colorful mix of urban centers, historic towns, waterfront retreats, and rural communities, offering plenty of opportunity for innovation and success—all within one of America’s most densely populated states! Here are five lessons we’ve learned from Maryland’s communities:
- Waterfront Revitalization Can Transform Economies
From Baltimore’s Inner Harbor to the Eastern Shore’s small towns, Maryland proves that well-planned waterfront redevelopment drives (and revives) economic growth. Places like Elkton, Rock Hall, Middletown, and Frostburg demonstrate that investing in waterfront infrastructure, mixed-use development, and tourism hotspots can attract businesses and residents alike. Any community with underutilized waterfronts—whether on a river, lake, or ocean—can look to Maryland to turn these spaces into economic engines.
- Historic Districts Can Be Economic Powerhouses
Maryland is passionate about historic preservation statewide, with communities like Frederick and Sykesville demonstrating that historic buildings are economic assets with great potential! By balancing historic integrity with modern amenities (and savvy preservation incentives), these communities maintain their charm and lift local economies. Any town with historic structures can leverage preservation as a tool for economic revitalization, instead of a regulatory hurdle.
Main Street Maryland is one program that revitalizes historic downtowns and strengthens local economies. By providing funding, technical assistance, and marketing support, Main Street Maryland helps communities preserve their historic character while fostering economic growth. Lovingly preserved Main Streets thrive in every corner of Maryland, thanks to the planning, marketing, and thought leadership available. Last year, providing event support to the Main Street Maryland Conference (in collaboration with our long-term client, the Maryland Economic Development Association) was a highlight for the PPR team, and we encourage all affiliates to attend this year!
- Public Spaces Are Catalysts for Business Growth and Community Engagement
Maryland’s public spaces anchor economic growth, tourism, and quality of life throughout the state. Well-designed public spaces create gathering spots for residents, encourage foot traffic, enhance livability, and draw businesses that drive economic growth.
Stretching through the center of downtown Frederick, Carroll Creek is a mile-plus marvel that attracts businesses (like PPR!) and community accolades. Originally designed as a flood control project, Carroll Creek’s combination of public art, green space, and waterfront walkways has transformed the area into one of the city’s biggest attractions to bring people downtown.
Flanked by public art murals celebrating its mountain heritage, downtown Cumberland boasts a downtown big on appeal. Bursting with boutiques with one-of-a-kind wares, diverse dining, and a flourishing arts scene, downtown Cumberland has become a “must visit” destination in Allegheny County.
Communities of all sizes can learn from the placemaking strategies that energize Maryland. Repurposing underutilized areas, improving walkability, and creating communal spaces are total wins for every community.
- Investing in Small Businesses Creates Statewide Impact
By working together, Maryland’s state and county governments, educational, private, and nonprofit partners help small, minority, women, and veteran-owned businesses thrive. Municipalities that invest in small businesses by offering grants, access to capital, incubator programs, and marketing initiatives (e.g. community gift card programs) strengthen their economies and foster long-term growth. Passionate about lifting local businesses, PPR Strategies supported Frederick County Office of Economic Development’s Diversity and Inclusion Pilot Program to help underrepresented firms rise with the same rates of success.
- Public-Private Partnerships Drive Economic Success
Many of Maryland’s successes stem from public-private collaboration, with Maryland Economic Development Corporation (MEDCO) leading the way to bring opportunities and a high quality of life to the state. Whether MEDCO provides financing support for student housing or business parks that amplify economic investment, pairing government support with private investment drives regional growth.
Maryland’s strategic investments create lasting economic success, and the lessons we’ve learned here apply to communities everywhere. Curious to see which Maryland-specific projects and programs we’ve supported over the years? Browse our case studies to learn more!