PPR Strategies


Lessons Learned From Our Recent Rebrand

In November, we unveiled our company’s rebrand and our new name of “PPR Strategies.” 

After doing countless branding and rebranding projects for clients over the years, doing it for ourselves (at this magnitude) was a major undertaking. Altogether, it gave us additional insights and clarity about the process. 

The overarching lesson from our experience is the importance of getting the entire team involved in the rebrand, from start to finish. Here are a few examples… 

  • Brainstorm and clarify the evolution of the brand voice and mission, and infuse that into all of the changes. Our team spent the months leading up to the rebrand working together to refine our mission statement and our brand voice to reflect the changes we wanted to make. 
  • Listen to all perspectives in the process. It’s through bringing all of our creative ideas to the table that we can come up with the most relevant and compelling language to use. 
  • Create language for the team members to articulate and explain the “WHY.” Team members need to be able to confidently explain the “why” behind the rebrand. Make sure that everyone is on the same page by working together to create an elevator pitch that all team members can use. 
  • Make sure your rebrand updates are reflected on your website and across platforms. Often people are just putting information on social media. Instead, think of it as starting with your website and then using social media is a tool to drive to your website. If there’s anything that the Twitter “X” evolution shows us, it’s to not be too dependent on one social network – people could stop using it at any time. 
  • Divvy up the tasks to do leading up to, and on the day of, the rebrand. Every team member played an important role in announcing the rebrand – from social media to media relations to website copy updates to technical changes to setting up new emails to client relations. Even on the day of the rebrand, each individual team member had specific tasks to do to pull it off together seamlessly. 

Overall, the rebrand was a great team building exercise to have gone through together. I’m truly appreciative of each member of the PPR team for their roles in the rebrand. 

There can be so much value for a place-based organization in establishing a brand and a logo that’s outside of your county seal, state flag, or your town’s name written in script. Your brand logo and copy are tools to communicate what your organization does, and what makes your community different and unique. Your greatest strengths can be shared through a brand mark, symbol, and the language you utilize on your website. 

If you’re ready to clarify and enhance the story that your brand is telling, schedule a 15-minute consultation with us here.

Reimagining Places With You,
Sandy and the PPR Strategies Team

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