PPR Strategies


Holiday Client Appreciation Ideas

As the holidays approach, it’s a great time to start thinking about how to show appreciation to your client base. It’s common to send out a greeting card that says “Happy Holidays!” This time of year is also an opportunity to take it a step further — so you can deepen the relationship and really show them how much you care!

Check out our holiday client appreciation ideas:

  • Tailgating and Football Games

Tailgating at football games is a great opportunity to cultivate relationships. I’ve seen many companies get boxed seats in football games and bring in top clients as a way to say thanks.

Spending time rooting for the same team can give you and your client a chance to build a personal bond that goes deeper than the business strategy.

After the game, you can follow up on the gift to really stand out. For example, rather than just posting a few photos on social media, you could print out photographs and mail them a holiday card. Nowadays, that kind of gesture is much more rare and can mean a lot!

  • Donations in Their Name

Between all of the cookies and flowers we often receive, a gift with more meaning can be very touching.

To stand out with this gift, make a donation to a cause your client cares about about. Do they love animals? You can donate to an animal rescue organization. Are they passionate about the outdoors? You could give to an environmental organization.

Here’s another holiday client appreciation idea:

  • Invite Them to Your Holiday Party

If your company has a holiday party, you could consider also inviting a few VIP clients! This creates an opportunity to celebrate your successes over the past year. They can even get to know some of the staff behind the scenes who are helping them to be successful.

Socializing in this atmosphere can take the relationship from business to personal. People prefer to work with people they like being around. Holiday parties are a great time to get to know your client on a more social and relaxed level.

  • Send a Gift or Card

And of course, you could always send them a thoughtful gift or card. Just make sure to write a personalized message that goes beyond “Happy Holidays.” Let them know what you enjoy about working with them. Remind them of the successes you’ve achieved together. Share everything you’re looking forward to in the future.

At the end of the day, whatever you choose to do — look for the ways you can make it thoughtful and appreciative. Holiday customer appreciation ideas can go far beyond the holidays and into a strong relationship in 2017.

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