PPR Strategies


[Personal Share] I’m changing my name

Happy New Year! I’m sure we’re all excited to kick off 2021 and hoping to see some major developments and forward movement this year.

January is always a great time to kick off any fresh start or change you’re looking to make. Personally, one fresh start I’m kicking off is changing my name back to my maiden name: Sandy Dubay.

Going forward, across all platforms, I’ll be changing my name from “Sandy Sponaugle” to “Sandy Dubay.”

You might be wondering if this name change has to do with a marital status change. The answer is that I got a divorce.

While it’s typically not the norm to share that you’re getting a divorce via your business’s weekly newsletter, personally I felt it was important to share with you. Not only because you’ll be seeing a different last name in your inbox each week, but also because I value you as part of the PPR Strategies community.

I think it’s also time we normalize sharing details like this (if you should choose to). The idea that we shouldn’t discuss details like a marriage ending connotes negativity or shame. Rather than focusing on what’s ending, I prefer to look at everything that was gained. I’m proud that, together with my ex-husband, we raised an absolutely incredible daughter, who’s currently working towards her engineering degree at West Virginia University.

Change can be a great thing: the start of a new era and a new cycle. I’m celebrating my new path and hope you’ll join me.

In 2021, I’m looking forward to…

  • Launching a new economic development-themed podcast in early 2021 (Stay tuned!!)
  • Pursuing more speaking events virtually (and eventually, live!)
  • Continued growth at PPR Strategies with our incredible clients
  • Cheering on my daughter as she begins her engineering internship
  • Continuing to refine my pallet for Kombucha 🙂

Thanks for being a part of the PPR Strategies community, and here’s to an incredible 2021. I’d love to hear if you’re kicking off a fresh start in the New Year. Leave a comment down below to share with me. 🙂

‘Til next time,

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