PPR Strategies


Are you losing prospects because of THIS?

Have you ever wondered how many people visit your website once… only to never come back again?

If you aren’t wondering that, you should!

So many people in your target audience will visit your economic development site — and you’ll never know it! If they just come and go, it’s a huge missed opportunity.

You solve this problem with one key change:

Add a specific “Call to Action” to your website.

The Call to Action is the specific action you’re driving your website visitors to take. On many sites, the Call to Action is “contact us.” However, most people may not be ready to send you an email inquiry when they are just checking you out.

I encourage you to instead think more creatively and more aggressively.

Consider offering some type of “opt-in gift”, like a giveaway, that would encourage visitors to your site to provide their contact information so that YOU could follow up with them.

Here are a few ideas for what your opt-in gift could be:

  • A PDF or Free Report of key information
  • A contest where the winner gets a meal at a local restaurant or stay at a local hotel
  • An hour of free business coaching or training

There are so many different things that you could experiment with for your opt-in gift. I encourage you to be creative.

Do you currently have an opt-in gift? Have you considered offering one? If you’ve held off, what’s stopping you? Shoot us a message and share with me!

‘Til next time,

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