PPR Strategies


5 Facebook Strategies for Economic Development Organizations

As an Economic Development Organization, maybe you’ve been posting semi-regularly on Facebook, and now you’re wondering: How can I take this to the next level? What can I do to expand my reach, and get more leads through my posts?

In this 6-part blog series, you’ll get social media strategies for Economic Development Organizations on the top platforms. Today, we’re breaking down key strategies for expanding your audience and getting more leads via Facebook.

30 Social Media Strategies for Economic Development Organizations

#1 Create a Funnel and Optimize Your Website

Think about Facebook (and all social media) as a funnel to drive people to your website or to take a specific action you want them to take. For example:

  • You may want to get people to sign up for an event.
  • Read a blog post.
  • Visit your website.
  • Sign up for your mailing list.

Ultimately, you need to be driving traffic back to your website, whether that’s through reading a blog post, watching a video, or signing up for an event or program.

Once they are there, make sure that your website is properly optimized to capture new leads. One way to do this is through offering an “opt-in gift” — a free incentive for signing up for your mailing list. This could be a drawing for a restaurant or hotel in your community, or a free guide to your community.

Make sure you’re also driving traffic from your website back to your Facebook page. This way, wherever people find you, they can easily access more of your information.

#2: Look At Your Engagement and Compare

Look at your insights. What posts have the best engagement? Through finding out what’s working and what posts are getting the best engagement, you can better manage your promotions.

You can also look at other pages you want to watch and monitor, and compare yourself to other communities in the region or across the country similar to yours. Or if an organization is doing a great job on Facebook, look to them for content inspiration.

#3: Create Posts That Add Value And Follow The 80/20 Rule

Spend 80% of the time talking about and sharing others, and 20% talking about your own business.

Who do you need to be talking and sharing about? Success stories within your community! These could be blog posts or videos on your site that you share on Facebook. By promoting your community’s successes, you are also organically selling the value of doing business in your community.

When promoting an event, product, or program, keep your posts totally focused on your target audience and the value they can get from what you are sharing.

#4: Take It To The Next Level With Facebook Ads

The great thing about Facebook? Almost everyone is on it.

The challenge of Facebook? Almost everyone is on it!

Because there’s so much traffic and information, your posts might not get seen without boosting or sponsoring them. Due to Facebook algorithms, business page posts show up on fewer feeds if they are not a sponsored or paid ad. I recommend that all EDOs have at least a small budget for Facebook ads and boosting posts. This can allow your posts to be seen by a much broader audience.

#5: Allocate Time Weekly to Keep Up the Conversation on Facebook

You can start with blocking out just one hour a week to schedule out content on your page. Repurpose blog posts, articles, and videos on your Facebook feed.

Just remember — it’s social and conversational. Check your page regularly throughout the week and reply to every comment! Make it a conversation.

30 Social Media Strategies for Economic Development Organizations

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