PPR Strategies


10 Questions to Ask to Review Your Website

Your website is one of the first contact points that new prospects, businesses, or talent will look at to learn more about your community or your programs. 

Does that idea fill you with confidence and excitement – or a slight sense of dread?

You might be aware of some much-needed updates to your website, or maybe you’re unsure where to start! How do you know when it’s the right time to invest in a website redesign or enhancement? 

Here are 10 questions to ask to review your website and to figure out if it’s time for a website enhancement or redesign: 

1) Does your website clearly answer the question: “What problem are you solving?”

People are visiting your website because they have a problem that needs to be solved – and they think your organization might have the solution. However, many websites fail to communicate that effectively and clearly. Make sure that your branding and copy answers this question for your target audience so they’ll continue to click through your site to learn more.

2) Is the content engaging on your home page?

Your home page is the first page people will land on when they visit your website. Are the images and words compelling? Do they make the website visitor curious to learn more?

3) Do you have current photos?

Have you been using the same photos on your site for many years? It may be time to freshen up the look with new photos that represent what your community has to offer. 

4) Do you tell people where you are, and what state you are in?

This may seem obvious, but you’d be surprised! Remember that not everyone who lands on your website is familiar with your organization, so add the proper context. 

5) Is it easy for people to get in touch with a human who will answer their questions

In the day and age of automated responses, direct phone numbers (that could be forwarded to your phone) and email addresses go a long way when it comes to establishing new relationships. And especially during a time when many people are working virtually, make it easy for people to get in touch with a real human. You could also include a link to your personal LinkedIn page for building the connection. 

6) Are you telling the stories of your existing businesses?

And are these the types of businesses you’d like to attract to your community? Humans are drawn in by the power of storytelling. By telling stories of your existing businesses, people can get a feel for the real impact your organization is making and what it’s like to do business in your community.

7) Have you looked at Google Analytics recently?

On Google Analytics, you can find your most popular pages and blogs, which will show what people are coming back to and what they want to learn. You can also find out how people are landing on your site – like through referral pages and search words. This shows you what’s working, so you can “double down” on those efforts. Meanwhile, you can also see what needs to be addressed, like pages with the worst bounce rates. People leave the site when they don’t get what they expect or don’t get their questions answered. Once you know what’s not working, you can take steps to fix it. 

8) Is your website still focused on pandemic response programs?

Nearly two years after the pandemic started, some of your early pandemic response programs may not still be current. As time has gone on, business’s challenges have also evolved. Make sure your website addresses the challenges and goals that are current in your community.

9) When was the last time you published a blog on your site?

Blog posts can be great for SEO purposes, as well as for giving visitors content related to the reason they’re visiting your website. For example, you could highlight local businesses or entrepreneurs or choose a specific theme for multiple posts that is relevant to your community.

10) Are all of your social media channels consistently linked?

People shouldn’t have to dig around to find your Facebook page or LinkedIn page. Often, these are ways people will connect with you so they can stay updated on your offerings and content. Make it easy for them to do so!

Think it may be time to redesign your website? PPR Strategies can help you come up with a strategy for improving your website, whether that means enhancing an existing website or going for a full redesign. Contact us here to learn more.

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