This week, as part of 8 Weeks of Thanks, we’re highlighting the power that our words of appreciation can have on the people in our lives… and how we can increase that impact through sharing publicly on social media!
We all have the power to brighten someone’s day through surprising them with a social media post of appreciation. On platforms that can sometimes be divisive, a positive post goes a long way to inspire others as well. Plus, you’re providing the chance for people to learn about important people in your life and maybe even form new connections.
This week, PPR Strategies Economic Inclusivity Coordinator Jay Mason gave a Facebook shoutout to someone who’s made a big impact on him, his community, and the world.
Jay shares:
Rotary International is a worldwide service organization that takes action to create lasting change. Through my membership in the Rotary Club of Frederick, I have had the fortune of becoming friends with Jo Butler and learning of the impact she has on her local community, has had on the world, and continues to have in Ethiopia. Jo is in inspiration and an exemplary model of service above self, the Rotary motto.
Jay wrote a post on Facebook in honor of Jo and sharing the impact she has made in his life.
Jay’s post ended up sparking more comments as Jo’s other colleagues shared their appreciation for her in the thread. Friends of Jay that didn’t know Jo commented as well, sharing how inspiring she was.
We all have the power to uplift the people in our lives through the act of expressing our gratitude for them.
Perhaps there’s someone in your world that you’re inspired to express gratitude to publicly!
If you’re inspired, leave a comment down below and give a shout-out to someone in your life who makes a big difference. Who knows what impact you’ll make through that simple action.
‘Til next time,