PPR Strategies


Telling Your EDO’s Story in an Annual Report

Welcome back to PPR’s summer series on annual reports! Last week, we discussed how to stay prepared for your annual report all year long. This week, we’ll dive into telling your organization’s story! 

Annual reports are so much more than just a collection of numbers and data. They are a chance to tell your organization’s story!

Telling the story of your year—whether fiscal or calendar—starts with embracing your bragging rights. It can be uncomfortable for most of us to tout our work, but it is necessary when showing stakeholders that your organization has been a good steward of their time and funds. 

If flaunting your accomplishments puts a mental block on your process, put your team and community front of mind—show that their time and efforts have been a good use of taxpayer dollars! 

How Can You Tell Your Story? 

Give Background Info: Use census data to help stakeholders. Most people aren’t diving into the data like you are, and it provides helpful context. 

Utilize Testimonials: Nothing beats hearing from the people your programs have truly helped when it comes to showcasing your organization’s impact. 

Reach out to your business owners for quick quotes and use them in the report and other digital marketing efforts. 

Events (Small and Large): From big milestones like new programs and conferences to yearly updates on attraction campaigns, ongoing initiatives, and more, stakeholders want to know what you’re up to! 

Breaking down your calendar by month and creating categories can be a great way to start telling the story of how your organization is in the community.

Numbers: Despite how much most of us may have despised math class growing up, people love numbers. When sharing your story, numbers can be an effective tool to show your organization’s outcomes. Here are some ideas to get you started: 

  • Businesses you’ve supported
  • Loans administered 
  • Tax information
  • Assessment rates  

Use Visuals: Give your audience a *literal* way to see the awesome things you’ve accomplished this year! Add pictures, logos, charts, and graphs to inspire your stakeholders and invite them into your efforts. Don’t forget to repurpose these visuals throughout the year, too…not just in your annual report!

Highlighting this information in your annual report helps stakeholders, your board, local officials, and more understand the value of your organization! Make sure the story you’re telling is one that lands accurately and meaningfully. 

PPR Strategies can support you in crafting this story. Let’s connect! 

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