Welcome back to our 8 Weeks of Joy series!
For the 8 weeks leading up to the new year, we’re highlighting different team members who will be sharing something they’re doing that brings them joy or spreads joy to others!
Last week, Sandy shared her joy of attending in-person economic development events.
Today, our Communications Specialist, Caleigh, is sharing what brings her joy.
Here’s Caleigh…
Hi, my name is Caleigh, and I am the Communications Specialist at PPR Strategies! I began with the company in May 2023 as the Summer Marketing Intern. When the Fall semester began, I returned to complete my senior year at Stevenson University and began working as a part-time employee.
At PPR Strategies, we are a diverse and geographically distant group. As I was thinking of ways to spread joy while I’m not in Frederick, I realized that I could share the wealth with my campus and use this as an opportunity to expand our reach.
We’re all anticipating the excitement of the holiday season and the new year, but for college students, this also means finals are approaching. I recruited my two creative roommates to help me write a handful of encouraging and kind notes to place all around campus.

We hope this inspires small ways to spread some joy in your community!
Reimagining Places With You,
Caleigh and the PPR Strategies Team