PPR Strategies


The joy of seeing your creative ideas come to life

I get a lot of creative ideas. How about you?

A few of those creative ideas have included: writing a talk, speaking on stages, writing a book, doing social media experiments with my team, creating new lead magnets, producing a podcast… and the list goes on and on!

Some of those creative ideas have since come to life, and some are still existing as an idea to do “someday” (writing a book is still on my list).

Right now, it’s really exciting to witness Season 2 of the Frederick Factor podcast debut for the world, because my creative vision is now living beyond me!

I first had the idea of the Frederick Factor right around the pandemic. I wanted to tell the stories about what makes Frederick so special. What is that “Frederick Factor” that makes it such a great place to work and visit? It then evolved into specifically telling the stories of underrepresented entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals in Frederick.

The first iteration of the Frederick Factor was a simple website. Then, we moved into our office space with a podcast room, and the podcast was born!

It’s truly been a team effort to bring this to life! I hosted the first season, recorded 13 episodes and interviewed guests. We partnered with an audio producer to edit the recordings. Team members crafted promotional copy, uploaded the final recordings to podcast platforms, and oversaw the promotional efforts.

After the first season, I wanted the podcast to live on. I also felt like it was really important that it wasn’t just my voice in the episodes and it wasn’t just my contacts that were featured. That’s what inspired the idea of asking a guest from each season to be the next season’s host.

You can listen to Season 2, Episode 0: “Passing the Torch” with Ashleigh Kiggans and me here. (And this Thursday, check out Episode 1, where Ashleigh interviews Shana Knight, one of the founders of SOUL Street.)

How about you? Do you have a creative idea brimming that you aren’t sure how to get off the ground? Maybe you need help figuring out how it can be created and live beyond you.

I’d love to help you workshop it in a free 15-minute call.

It could be a podcast, economic development program, or talent attraction campaign. Or maybe you want to be a more active speaker or build your brand on social media. Whatever your idea is, I can help you figure out a plan for creating and launching it into the world. Click here to set up a free 15-minute consultation.

Reimagining Places With You,
Sandy and the PPR Strategies Team

P.S. Would you like more inspiration about creating a podcast? Check out our Frederick Factor Case Study here! You can also download our free guide here on How to Create a Podcast to Tell Your Story.

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