PPR Strategies


Maximizing the Reach of Your Annual Report

Welcome back to PPR’s summer series on annual reports! In this final blog, we’ll take a look at putting your annual report together and how to get the most traction out of your finalized report! 

You did it! You spent time, energy, and capacity crafting an amazing annual report. Now it’s time to make that report work for YOU! 

If you’ve been following PPR’s series on creating annual reports, you know that they can be a great way to blend data and narrative to tell your organization’s story. Once you have the story written, it’s time to share it far and wide!

Sharing Your Annual Report 

Make the most of multiple channels and formats! While print copies are a great, hands-on reminder of your organization’s success to pass out at events, a digital copy can help you expand your reach to a whole new audience. 

Think about how people will find the report on your website. Make sure it is front and center, within a primary or secondary navigation, to ensure visitors can easily find it!  

Repurpose Your Annual Report to Expand Your Marketing Impact 

You’ve spent a lot of time pulling together the report—don’t let the information live and die in its pages! Repurpose the information into your other marketing efforts to make the most of your investment.

Have fun with the possibilities! To engage your followers, create a social media series sharing some of the top highlights, stats, or quotes from your annual report. Link the posts to the full report to guide readers to explore more about your organization. You can also use one highlight or call-out per monthly newsletter to keep your organization’s overall impact top-of-mind for readers throughout the year.

Pull out some of your best information for a press release, or make videos of the best quotes to share on your website. If your content is important enough to make it on an annual report, it is worth sharing in other ways, too! 

Have you ever tried repurposing your annual report before? What were the results? Contact PPR and let us know how it went!

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