PPR Strategies


Getting Your GREAT Podcast Idea Off the Ground

How can you turn a great idea into an even better end product? The unremarkable but helpful, answer I have for you is simple. Get started. 

Seriously! An imperfect beginning is still a beginning. As you make something from nothing, your mission, goals, and overall content will be refined through contemplative thought and conversations with your team or stakeholders. 

Maybe your idea will change or, it will combine with another creative thought from the team. You could end up with an end product that is entirely different from your original concept but will better serve your community. The act of starting is the first step towards the creative and practical workshopping that helps you craft your product, hone your intent, and evaluate in what parts of the process you may need support. 

While podcasting is by no means a new avenue of content creation (and, in fact, is still very much growing), it is an avenue that makes even those with the best ideas hesitate. I’m unsure if this is because of its technological element, the time needed, or if people fear the market is too saturated. Whatever is holding you back from starting your podcast, PPR Strategies is here to knock down the barriers and help you realize your vision. 

Our team used our collective knowledge and experience in making podcasts to craft our “How to Create a Podcast to Tell Your Story” guide. In the guide, we help those with great podcasting ambitions create an actionable strategy — from collecting your ideas to booking guests, recording, editing, and (finally) promoting your podcast! 

Download “How to Create a Podcast to Tell Your Story” here!

PPR’s team has helped many clients workshop their podcast ideas, helped them record in our in-office recording studio, and engaged our team of cutting-edge marketing minds to help promote the project. Most recently, we’ve been cooking up a new podcast of our own that I am SO thrilled to share with you… but not quite yet. Stay tuned!

What is holding you back from starting a podcast? Is it something we can work through together?  

Download the “How to Create a Podcast to Tell Your Story” guide here. Want to talk over your next great idea? Schedule a 15-minute conversation with me here. I’d love to talk and brainstorm with you!

Reimagining Places With You,
Sandy Dubay, CEcD, and the PPR Strategies Team

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