PPR Strategies


Invest in Marketing With Your End-of-Fiscal-Year Budget

It’s that time of year again! As we step closer to June 30th and the end of the fiscal year, there are so many amazing opportunities to make the most of what FY2023-24 leaves behind and use it to jumpstart your FY2024-25! 

Now is the perfect opportunity to finally start (or fund) that marketing project you’ve been dreaming about for months, or wrap up initiatives that just need a little extra time and resources to come together. 

No matter how you slice it, there is a way to make the most of what is left this budget season to help share the story of your community! So, how can you make it happen?

Ask yourself these questions…

  • What will set up my EDO for success in the next fiscal year? 
  • How can I use my remaining budget to address these needs?

Gear up for a productive new year by leveraging surplus budgets in forward-thinking marketing strategies. Unsure where to start? Here are a few ideas: 

  • Develop a strategic marketing plan for next year. By planning now and saving implementation until the new fiscal year, you can set a roadmap that is ready to roll when the time comes. 
  • If you’re short on capacity, the remaining budget might be best spent engaging contractors to move projects forward. This can help you push lingering projects past the finish line (and keep the ghosts of uncompleted projects past at bay). 
  • Refresh your photo and video assets! Your community is constantly evolving; spend extra dollars engaging a photographer to acquire new, fresh images to use in your content for the next year.

Have unused funds in your budget? Need to plan for next fiscal year’s marketing plan? PPR Strategies is here to support you! From brainstorming and strategy to facilitation and execution, the PPR team is ready to help turn your surplus into marketing brilliance. Contact us to get the ideas flowing!

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