PPR Strategies


We’re Busting These ChatGPT Myths Right Now

Artificial Intelligence. Just saying it makes some people squirm.

I get it, sort of. But honestly? It’s time to ditch the fear and start seeing the potential—especially in economic development!

AI is here, and it is shaking things up. But too many economic development pros still act like it’s Voldemort—ready to take over the profession with dark magic.

Here’s the thing: econ dev leaders need to start viewing AI as a tool to strengthen our communities. Not hinder them.

Yes, there are risks, but that’s why PPR is here to help guide the way! Over the next few weeks, our team is shining a light on the AI platforms we use to mindfully and responsibly boost efficiency. 

Very demure, we know. 🙂

This week, we’re starting with ChatGPT—the open-source AI platform that’s become nearly synonymous with the technology itself. Let’s start with a few common tales about ChatGPT, and get the real story. 

Myth: All outputs from ChatGPT are generic, robotic, and won’t be unique to my brand or community. 

Reality: Your output is only as strong as your input! Prompts need to be specific and detailed. Include all necessary background information to complete the task, and provide feedback until you reach a desired outcome. We tend to ask something along the lines of, “Do you need any other information to perform this task?” at the end of our prompts to ensure ChatGPT can provide the results we’re looking for.

You can also try crafting custom GPTs—a paid feature—that will understand your mission, industry, and goals like a professional within your own team. Think about “coaching” this tool to understand your needs better!


Myth: I can just copy and paste the direct outputs from ChatGPT into my strategic plan, social media content, or board presentations, and nobody will notice!

Reality: For those who are more familiar with tools like ChatGPT, it is very easy for them to see the patterns of AI-generated content. There are certain words that ChatGPT LOVES, such as “delve” or “tapestry,” that will raise flags for knowledgeable artificial intelligence users. ChatGPT also tends to default to certain formatting structures (especially for marketing content), which can lead to distrust with your audience.

Most importantly, ChatGPT can make mistakes! You should always review and edit the outputs you receive from ChatGPT to ensure it’s accurate, relevant, and aligned with your brand.

Myth: ChatGPT will make my job obsolete.

Reality: AI isn’t here to replace humans—it’s here to amplify our efforts by making certain tasks faster and easier to accomplish. 

ChatGPT is great at handling routine tasks that can suck up your time. By streamlining workflows, analyzing trends, and assisting with tasks, economic developers can find more time to actually get out into the community—building relationships, creating strategic partnerships, and facilitating real human connection!

If you feel like dipping a toe in the ChatGPT water, here are some prompt ideas that could get you started (don’t forget to customize these and add more information as needed).

ChatGPT Prompt Ideas

Meeting Prep: 

“Draft a meeting agenda for a discussion with local businesses about upcoming development projects. Include sections for introductions, project updates, Q&A, and next steps. Add timing to each agenda item to keep us on track for the 60-minute meeting.”

Data Analysis:

“Summarize the latest economic development trends in [specific region/city] for a quarterly report, focusing on [industry or data point]. Cite your sources.”

Note: The Premium version of ChatGPT regularly cites/links sources when it pulls external info, but it is still helpful to ask so you know where the info is coming from so you can double-check for accuracy. And, PLEASE, do that double-check! 


“Review the following annual report and provide a 2-paragraph summary of the most important takeaways, as well as a bulleted list of the most impactful quantitative data points about site selection, business expansion, and grant opportunities. [Copy and paste the report OR attach the file.]”

Writing Support:

“Review the following Instagram caption and suggest five hashtags that will help us reach a relevant audience.”

So, what do you think? Is ChatGPT a tool that could help your EDO?

Want to talk over the possibilities? Click here to connect with the PPR team, and let’s make it happen!

P.S. I shared last week that the trailer for PPR’s new podcast, EDO Breakthrough, was out! Have you listened yet? If not, you’re forgiven…but listen now! 

Oh, and don’t forget to leave us an email or voice message with your pressing EDO challenges and we might just brew up some solutions on the next podcast episode!

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