PPR Strategies


5 Pinterest Strategies for Economic Development Organizations

Pinterest is a place for users to post “pins” of images onto their “boards.” It’s sort of like a virtual scrapbook for saving all your favorite recipes, ideas, fashion tips, quotes, and more.

There are 150 million active monthly users on Pinterest. 81% of Pinterest users are Females. Men account for only 7% of total pins on Pinterest. 67% of Pinners are under 40 years old. 50% of Pinterest users earn $50K or more per year.

In this 6-part blog series, you’ll get social media strategies for Economic Development Organizations on the top social media platforms.

30 Social Media Strategies for Economic Development Organizations

Here are 5 Pinterest tips for Economic Development Organizations:

#1: Share Interesting Images Or Infographics

Pinterest is a great place to share blog posts using interesting images or infographics that link back to a blog on your website.

#2: Optimize Pinterest For SEO

(via HubSpot). Here are a few ideas for optimizing your Pinterest page so that it shows up in more search results:

  • Include SEO in the “About” section of your Pinterest page.
  • Include links back to your website.
  • All of your images should have SEO-friendly file names and alt text.
  • Use hashtags.

People don’t generally use Pinterest as part of their normal work day. This is also more personal and female-oriented (lots of recipes, fashions, DIY recipes, etc.).

#3: Drive Traffic From Pinterest To Your Website

You can create infographics and posts on Pinterest that are linked back to a blog on your website. When people click on the “pin” they can go to your website for the full detailed blog.

#4: Promote Your Agriculture Industry

If you have a strong or growing agriculture base with some potential, Pinterest is a way to grow that. People have to eat and drink all year long! You can be creative with what you are and incorporate that in your content calendar. You could share everything from holiday DIY elements to locally grown soups and stews throughout the winter months, and fresh fruit and veggies in the summer months.

#5: Repost Blogs Through Pinterest Images to Drive Traffic to Your Website

To come up with content ideas to post, consider the question: What do you have to offer and how could you highlight business in your community? For example, you could share an image and article of farmers with food, recipes, or DIY ideas. Figure out what businesses in your community are engaged on Pinterest and see what you can do to support their efforts.

You can also encourage your team to join in and share and repin their favorite things. Perhaps you could set up a board for every staff member and create an internal contest to see who can get the most repins! Social Media is supposed to be fun — why not make it into a game?

30 Social Media Strategies for Economic Development Organizations

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