It’s Week 6 of 8 Weeks of Appreciation! It’s become a tradition at Platinum PR—Places Reimagined to dedicate the 8 weeks leading up to the New Year to acts of kindness or service to our community. It’s our way of spreading more cheer, positivity, and goodwill in the world.
Sandy here! Today, for 8 Weeks of Appreciation, I want to express my appreciation for my team.
The work we do here at Platinum PR — Places Reimagined requires more than one woman! Each team member brings their specific talents, hard work, and dedication to the work we do, and it’s through working together as a team that we’re able to support our clients.
To express my appreciation to my team, I gifted them each with gift certificates for massages. For the Frederick team, I purchased them from New York New York Salon during their Black Friday sale. For our team members outside of Frederick, I got gift certificates for them from their hometowns.
Today, I also want to publicly express my appreciation for each team member and spotlight the difference they make here at Platinum PR.

Nisha (based in Frederick) is our Communications Specialist, and she has been on the team for the past year. I really appreciate Nisha’s dedication. She puts her nose to the grindstone. She is dedicated to working hard and growing. She is always looking for new things that are happening on the social media landscapes that we could try ourselves or with our clients. She is super consistent and dependable, and I really appreciate that in her.

Meg (based in Augusta, Georgia) is our writer, and she’s been a part of the Platinum PR team for the past 11 years. Having her full-time for the last year and a half has increased our offerings and delivery for our clients. I love listening to Meg and appreciate her creative process. She is our only fully virtual full-time team member, and it’s like she’s here every day. Even if she’s never visited a community, she invests such an intense level of research that you’d never know, as a reader, if she’d actually been to a location or not. She is one of the most creative writers I know and has a beautiful way of telling the story of places. She is awesome.

Sophie (based in Frederick) is our Director of Operations… and I wish I could be more like her! She is the “yin” to my “yang.” We complement each other’s strengths. She is perfect in her role and keeps us all on track. I appreciate her candor and her intelligence and her respect for the team. She binds us together. Her work ethic and her passion for the work we do is second to none. If I could replicate it, I would love to. She makes all of us better.
We also have a couple of behind-the-scenes team members you haven’t met before that have added great value to Platinum PR for many years…

Marc (based in Luxembourg, Europe) does graphic design, video editing, and technical needs for us (such as sending our newsletters each week via Mailchimp). Along with being incredibly smart, he is willing and able to dive in and solve a technical problem that I’d spin my wheels on, or that I don’t have the mental capacity to do. He does things with such ease and grace and makes it so easy to work with him. From websites to newsletters to videos, he has been a huge help. I really appreciate what he does every single week for us, which is all behind the scenes.

Elizabeth (based in Maui, Hawaii) writes and co-writes for our Platinum PR brand. She helps with our own editorial calendar in ways that we help our clients with theirs! She has been my personal cheerleader, sounding board, and counsel for many years. She helps me put my words down on paper, keeps me accountable and helps me share my voice and ideas with the outside world in a way I wouldn’t have been able to do without her.
I encourage you to reach out to those team members who make a big difference in your organization and to let them know how much you appreciate them.
We’d love to hear how 8 Weeks of Appreciation has inspired you so far. Send us a message to share!
Reimagining Places With You,
Sandy and the Platinum PR Team