PPR Strategies


Celebrating PRIDE with Nick Staigerwald

During PRIDE Month, we’re highlighting conversations with economic developers in the LGBTQIA+ community and sharing their stories and insights. Today, we’re sharing a video interview between Sandy and Nicholas Staigerwald (Nick), Business Development Manager of Dundalk Renaissance. Watch the video to listen and learn:

  • How being a part of a marginalized community gives you a mindset and insight that some people might not initially have
  • The unique challenges that LGBTQ+ owned businesses have today, due to progress, that they didn’t have 20 years ago
  • The importance for all of us to not focus on mistakes, but to listen and learn
  • Specific ways that Nick’s personal viewpoint has shaped how he approaches challenges in his community
  • The importance of artists in community and economic development
  • The many meanings of inclusion, and why it doesn’t mean that “everybody gets the exact same thing”
  • The true meaning of allyship

Join the conversation and let us know your thoughts by sending us a message.

Reimagining Places With You,
Sandy and the PPR Strategies Team

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